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01454 880030 /

Deli Sandwich Platters


These Menus are simply our suggestions and we are always very happy to include any ideas or requirements you may have. Please contact us to discuss your plans.




Sandwich Platters at £3.40 per person (+VAT)


A selection of our best quarter cut Sandwiches

with a selection of breads from Halls Cotswold Bakery

Granary, Wholemeal and White

(unless you request otherwise we'll include a range of fillings from across our menu

to cater for simple and more elaborate tastes, vegetarian options included)



Wraps Platter, at £3.40 per person (+VAT)


a range of fillings from across our menu to cater for simple

and more elaborate tastes,

vegetarian options included


Platter of filled Ciabattas at £3.95 per person (+VAT)


Halls Cotswold Bakery Ciabattas with a selection of fillings


a range of fillings from across our menu to cater for simple

and more elaborate tastes,

vegetarian options included



Available to add to any order


Crisps + Dips, at £1.05 per person (+VAT)


Selection of flavours of quality crisps

Served with a fresh dip

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